My thoughts exactly.
Even in the states you can sometimes find them at Asian grocery stores, though it has been my experience that they aren't as good as the ones you get in Asia. They really are delicious, but their smell really is that bad. A lot of Asian airlines specifically name Durian as a type of fruit that passengers cannot take…
Yes, but the smell... Oh the smell...
That video didn't ruin Star Wars for me. The prequel trilogy is what ruined Star Wars for me...
That's true, but do you really want to give your dog a megaphone? :-P
It might be nice to have when the zombies come, but it probably only gets about 2 mpg.
It depends on the natural disaster. In 1902 Mount Pele erupted and killed all but one of the 20,000 residents of St. Pierre and obliterated the town. The sole survivor escaped death because he was stuck in prison.
I too have had shark fin soup on a few occasions when it was served to me as well (usually as part of a large banquet after a wedding or other celebration). You are right, it is delicious, but the fin doesn't actually provide any flavor to the soup. It's only there for texture.
I'll bet if he moved to another state he'd be able to get a new driver's license without any issues. Knowing how the government works (pause for laughter), he could probably get one in his own state if he changed his name first.