It's Danny Huston from when he was in 30 Days of Night.
That's what came to my mind as well.
Wait until some joker buys a couple of these to redirect them into the street in an ill-gotten way to slow down the traffic in front of their house...
Sooner or later, boom!
I would love to see a gritty space soap opera, but I wouldn't mind one that was a little more lighthearted either. I found both Babylon 5 & Firefly to be highly enjoyable despite the fact that they usually much more lighthearted than gritty. Give us more space opera, but whether it is gritty or lighthearted, just do…
Didn't this guy learn anything in basic firearm safety? I mean where are his shooting glasses and hearing protection?
I don't care how good the picture is, I would rather carry a tripod or suffer from slightly worse pictures than use pose #3 in public.
I'm not saying that the bullet didn't originate from Mexico, El Paso is right on the border. But it would be almost impossible to hit anyone at the location where she was hit from Mexico. I do not believe there is line of sight to the border from that spot. The bullet would pretty much have to be fired into the air…