I'm trying to think of what the 2nd & 3rd Matrix movies crossed with the Star Wars prequel movies would be like. I just can't seem to stop vomiting...
I'm trying to think of what the 2nd & 3rd Matrix movies crossed with the Star Wars prequel movies would be like. I just can't seem to stop vomiting...
Nothing says I love you quite like taking $132 from a person and then stalking her.
My New Year's resolution from 2 years ago was to stop using eBay & PayPal. So far so good...
"And so you're back, from outer space..."
I am reminded of a comedian's performance I saw some years back (his name escapes me). Anyways, it went something like this (mind you this is not an exact quote & I know that I am not doing it justice): There are people out there who will buy anything if you know how to market the product. Why I'll bet that if…
The most important tip is to SLOW DOWN when there is snow or ice on the road. I drove home the other night when the roads were terrible, but since I was driving 10-20 miles below the speed limit (I usually do the opposite when road conditions are good) I had no problems. The idiots who decided to drive speed limit…
They were never hated each other that much, but they had their moments...
And in other news KFC announced that they will be testing out a new recipe for fried chicken in Arkansas...
Somehow I managed to not get any speeding tickets. I'm still not sure how that happened...
Somehow I managed to not get any speeding tickets. I'm still not sure how that happened...
I just got back from 4 weeks in China today. Sadly I did not get driver 0001772.