
Well this explains a lot...

I think using some pepper spray or a cattle prod would be more effective...

I'm sure that it's completely unrelated to auto workers drinking their lunches...

Having brighter lights is all well and good for the person driving the car, but not so good for other drivers who have those spotlights shining in their eyes. I wonder how much someone driving a car with lasers for lights would like it if they pulled up behind a car with a mirrored chrome finish.

Not picking up Firefly (and other shows that died before they had to) should be number 1.

Given all of the things that get plugged into it, my computer would definitely have to be female.

I agree, I think that that was a very inspiring song, more so than any of the other Star Trek series. You are correct that it is a Rod Stewart song, but the version used by Enterprise was actually sung by Russell Watson, who I think did a better job.

The difference though is that in Texas you better be somewhat close to the speed limit because they go after speeders more there than in other places and they have enough highway patrol to make an impact. I once drove from California to Oklahoma, passing through the panhandle in Texas. I think I saw 2 state patrol

The company has been around for a very long time, not sure about that location though.

Wait until you see the new school buses that he has on order...

It showed his address at the bottom of the letter so I *had* to look it up on Google maps. I wonder if growing up right next to a rifle maker also had an effect on young George R.R. Martin...

Damn, you beat me. I kept on thinking of "Crazy Like a Fox"...

Now playing

I will agree that Ivanova's speech from Babylon 5 was probably the one I would have chosen too, but let us not forget about Delenn either.

"Take this wheel. Just, just hold on, that's good. It flies like a truck."

"I saw the fields with my own eyes. Watch them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living."

One of the many reasons why I once wrote off the Batman franchise...

I have tried these pads before. Even if you lay them flat on the dashboard whatever you place on them WILL fall off... At least if you drive the way I do...

I'm guessing that it's called the "Icarus"...