
While the wallpapers that are shown here are always great, I do not always agree that they are "ridiculously" so. This one, however... This one is ridiculously cool to the Nth degree...

I'm not sure that I understand what the problem is. Did you not want to date him because he still enjoys playing a game and isn't ashamed to hide it? Or is it because of the game that he plays? Would you have left him if, instead of Magic, you found out that he competed in some sort of sports event at or near a

No Hobomodo makes me a saa-aad Panda...

It's not easy... being green...

Normally I would ask why they didn't use a raft, but if that's the way they drive their trucks I'm not sure that they could do any better with a raft...


Size... Sometimes it does matter...

Conan liked swords more, I'd call this guy Gimli.

I think who was in there with me would make all the difference in whether or not I would enjoy staying in a floating escape pod.

Can you prove that the gem in your ring wasn't a blood diamond? Can you prove that the item you bought off eBay/Craigslist wasn't stolen? Can you prove that the shirt you're wearing wasn't made in a Chinese sweatshop by underage workers? Can you prove that the food you're eating wasn't harvested by illegal aliens?

Why do people always assume that science & technology will make things worse in the future. Afterall, science & technology has helped improve our lives much more than it has hurt our lives so far. Think of what it would be like without air conditioning/heating, vaccines, pacemakers, and so on. Even on the

Who said NASA couldn't be profitable? We just need to send a drilling team into outer space...

This reminds me of a College Humor skit...

I always thought that the time traveling device from the 1982 show "Voyagers!" looked like something out of Steampunk.

Now that's what I call a hot pocket.

And as soon as you turn your back the dog will discover a new toy to chew on...

"Life, uh... finds a way."

That looks like the type of vehicle Steve McQueen would have driven if he was ever a guest on the old Batman show...

I just don't see spending hundreds of dollars on an mp3 player. I actually prefer ones that use commonly available batteries rather than ones which recharge as I will usually only use mine when I may be away from a place to plug it in for an extended period of time. The one I own (a Creative MuVo V100) isn't sold