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    No, that's a change. The power coins give them powers themselves. It's fine.

    I'm trying to remember his character's stupid computer sounding name.

    That's stupid. He worked in a movie, and honestly? He was right. It's a solid, fun movie. It's shockingly character driven.

    It's not grimdark.

    … For doing an awesome job?

    It's better than any of the Transformers movies by a mile.

    That bull joke was totally unlike anything else in the flick, it's weird.

    This movie was fun, man, really fun, and Banks was just tremendous. The bull joke at the start was like, totally off and nothing else in the flick was in that realm of bad taste.

    Motherfuckin' Fastball!

    I'm terrified to watch it again. It was right in my wheelhouse in that era. My dark, brooding, dark, deeeeeep wheelhouse.

    ah, don't overthink it. I love Hackers unironically. When it came out, I was right into that weird semi-rave PS1 Wipeout electronica fashion. I loved the characters. Now, I don't even care how silly and dated it all is (so glad you checked the 28.8 modem line, it cracks me the fuck up), the cast is charming, the movie

    Oh Jesus dude, he is nowhere NEAR close to infallible. Long Halloween was amazing and he's been almost entirely downhill from there.

    I went ahead and watched the last episode.


    I could deal with that. If you're not going to bother making the robots look like the iconic transformers, go big. Instead it's just the generic melting puddle in humanoid form look. And some dumb budget ed-209s.

    There are a lot of things to hate about the stupid Transformers movies, but the completely generic, boring, unimaginative designs of the robots kill me. Especially the Decepticons, which rather than giving any personality besides two of them, are literally just generic drone robots. That stupid thing looks like any

    But then she will murder you, with her alien boobie appendage things!

    I've come to terms with WrestleMania being a spectacle about fancy stages, sizzle, and sports entertainment. The great wrestling show is the night after. The peak is SummerSlam to the rumble where the guys I truly care about get the chance to be on top, before being shunted to the side for old men.

    Creative clearly has no idea why Bayley was beloved on NXT. It's not even hard.