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    Sasha costs Bayley at Fastlane.

    They will.

    Can a squash make you smile?

    Blues Brothers 2000. The one thing John Goodman COULDN'T save.

    I'm sure that show was terrible, and I was 14 and a Christian, but I really remember the episode with John Goodman breaking me down hard. I'm sure it wasn't great stuff but goddamn if JOHN GOODMAN didn't put in a hell of a performance.


    I was making a Futurama reference. Albeit, man, that's a really interesting read in response. Thank you.

    There's more to Atlanta than an airport! There's turner field, the Coca-Cola factory, uh, the airport…

    Sounds romantic! <3

    True! But I was trying to puzzle out the premise and was like, eh, screw this, I'll watch community again.

    You know, if Netflix bothered to put the word "zombie" in the description of the show or episodes, I might have already given it a shot.

    Whoa. That would have been rad.

    Good. I couldn't even finish last season. It was just too ugly after the election results. I wanted to escape, not double down.

    I agree with you. I know that I didn't want to admit how bored I was at the midnight screening. After all the hype, the years, waiting in line for hours, few of us were going to allow it to be bad.

    There's an entire omnibus of the Slott run! I got it from the library and had a BLAST. Need to buy it for my shelf.

    Yes! The first half of the JMS run was so good for a number of reasons, the high school science teacher aspect a big one. Also a TERRIFIC Doc Ock storyline.

    That's the thing that confuses me the most. They've got this movie on deck, the first female-led MCU film, she has this loyal fanbase with a name (Carol Corps is really fun), so in the comics… they turn her into a total fucking piece of garbage?

    … Captain America is *literally working on a Nazi agenda* in the comics. Right now. In the storylines. Highlighted. Featured.

    It was holding his pants up.

    Ah ah ah! I haven't even BEEN with a hooker today!