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    John Goodman would like words with you.


    Prime, you said the matrix would light our darkest hour!


    It was the most (if not ONLY) fun I'd had with Star Wars in the past fifteen years. I'll take it!!

    I agree with this post so much.

    Or other people really enjoy it? I did. Loved it.

    That superkick was beautiful. Props to Styles for the amazing sell. He KILLS the close kick-out.

    All I've been doing is going through the quotes here, and upvoting.

    Man, I don't want kind of crazy elf drink you're on, but Listen Lady/Mr. Sparkle is one of my all-time faves.

    No… no. That was pretty well the last great season.

    "You always say that. I want to take a chance!"

    With or without the Rumple makeup?

    Earlier this year, comments like these made me try out racer. I did appreciate the visuals, the costumes and acting were super fun, but i was mind-numbingly BORED an hour in, waiting for anything interesting to really happen. I shut it off.

    I also enjoyed the whole thing and feel like the comments section is a strange place.

    Context: Dixie Carter, head in charge of "TNA" wrestling (the worst name ever) for the past few years, has essentially run the company into the ground and poisoned the well entirely. Corgan is the unlikely savior of this company.


    Ignore the AV Club's take on the story - Corgan is the GOOD GUY here.

    New news today, Carter personally owes Corgan money.