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    Big score - infuriating
    Beast - annoying
    Game - terrible
    Yonder - only one I can rewatch and feels most like "futurama" to me. Still not above good.


    god, those were so bad. I was so excited. MORE FUTURAMA, I cried! HUZZAH, I exclaimed!

    Poor Ike.

    All of those are top ten contenders! So rewatchable.

    Was 201 unedited on the DVD box set release? I've only ever seen the original airing.

    Fuuuuucking that has gotta be in my top ten. Wendy crushes it.

    I *think* he was shown in Episode 1, in a school crowd scene, but interestingly, he was *not* one of the kids "murdering" Cartman.

    Agree with the political stuff coming off half-baked. It was… there.

    Okay, so real story, there was just a showing of Book of Mormon here in [CITY], [PROVINCE].

    He's so kind about it. "Maybe you guys just need to grow up. Suck my balls."

    I'd venture the entire POINT of garrison and Canada trump was how absurd trump even trying was.

    I think it's semi-valid when their commentary, satire, or plain old jokes are blunted by refusing to take a side.

    Yeah, that was more "after the fact" (Teletoon didn't even exist when SG was new). Not entirely but it wasn't necessarily airing fresh. YTV for sure didn't show it. MuchMusic is the only possible other alternative, and they didn't show it.

    I figure they didn't even have to cut that one up, they just aired her interview piece straight and tried to work around it.

    Fuck, I found the first two volumes at a used book store and actually had a hard time getting back into them. It's definitely a bizarre watch. I'll have to give it another go, because I used to LOVE this shit.

    I'm a kniiiiiiiife.

    Hell, Jeff had to retire because his back was completely fucked from all the exercise. And he legit was into his 60s. Doesn't look it. Probably because he's also a legit surfer dude.


    Yeahhhhhh nooooooo.