
He stinks on ice and she is just fantastic. I would love to see her dancing on his grave but I know that she just has too much class to do that. Besides, I am pretty sure that he is going to be buried in the Russian homeland of his (and Trump’s) paymasters/blackmailers and I doubt that she could take time out of her

He doesn’t just shit in the bed. He shits and then rolls around in it. Jesus fucking shit Christ, Chuck don’t tweet.

Oh, no! If Soros dies, all the money I get from being a Professional Protester and Gun Violence Victim is going to dry up!


He likes assassination bombs that “don’t malfunction.” Sad!

This fucker ruined cocaine for the rest of us...

Jesus fucking Christ leave it to Chuckles to shit the bed on this. What a muppet.

The silence on Soros is unmistakable. They clearly are happy to see him die, and want to continue using him as a boogeyman.

Condemning right wing terrorists is way off message for him. He’ll contradict this half-hearted tweet within 24 hours, as it doesn’t fit into the script of his neo-Nuremberg rallies. Expect him to declare this a false flag by liberal radicals trying to make his people look bad.

A right-wing, pro-Trump extremist —

This is the kind of bullshit out there.  

Nothing will ever beat his pathetic response to the disaster in Puerto Rico.

Wow. This picture leaves me with a feeling that is more than words can say. 

No way. You’re trying to tell me that this guy, our president, lacks the ability to empathize with people regarding a potential national crisis?

It’s early yet, let a few more be discovered without detonation and he will take credit for it.

The SUPERIOR half-neutered single from that album!

Actually, I consider that he didn’t lament the fact none of the bombs killed their intended targets to possibly be the greatest accomplishment of his time in office.

should be the start of every single post centered around agent orange.

Literally no one cares as much about the Clintons as these idiots do.

Me: wonder what Ms. E. Banks is up to nowadays...