
You were young, and trusting. And even if you were not young, and not trusting, it still wouldn’t be your fault. We are not responsible for the crimes people perpetrate on our bodies. I really hope you are able to internalize that someday. It has really helped me. 

It was misogyny. 

I grew up in the same neighborhood as Jennifer. She was four years older. I knew her from the Children’s Theater of Charleston (WV) and I always felt she was a very nice person. I didn’t even recognize her when she became famous for a while. It was quite stunning that she became so famous. Still seems pretty down to

Dumb Godfather is fucking GOLD.

Exactly what I thought

Needs way more stars

EMDR helped me with my PTSD from past DV, stalking, and rape. It was a good thing for me, definitely worth it. I did it every week for a few months.

You are exactly right. Blaming the victim maintains the illusion of “This can’t happen to me.”

GenXer here too. “Maybe” was definitely used to keep me in line.

As a survivor of rapes which still affect me 20 years later, I cannot tell you the anger I have toward this man. Reading of the victim’s anguish in her letter to the judge broke my heart.

Humbert is not supposed to be a hero lol

Colbert absolutely scorched Bush and the press during his set. But calling out a liar who happens to be a woman is a bridge too far? She is a big girl, she can take it. Or she should be able to, anyway, if she’s worth her salt.

Can relate. Both ny daughter and I are autistic with sensory processing issues

Who is this person? Jesus I’m old

I hate that I was raised to see this kind of thing as “just what men do.”

Yes I have a daughter turning 13 and her schoolmates are generally much more tolerant but the ones that are racist are much more open about it than when I grew up in the 80s or 90s. They’ve been emboldened.

This deserves so many stars

You nailed it

Oh shit we’re in v. fib!!!!

I’d like to to teach these numbnuts like Richard Spencer about hybrid vigor, and why if’s good that it decreases the recessive genes of the offspring. It also appears to enhance their attractiveness, but that is just anecdotal.