
That and especially for the US, unless you are Native American, at some point your own ancestors immigrated here. I’m thankful my forebears made the journey and realize I’m incredibly fortunate for it. I also realized I HAD NO INFLUENCE ON THIS OUTCOME. The people who somehow think they are responsible for their good

What kills me is so many people seem to think that they deserve to be born here.  I literally did nothing except be lucky to be born in America instead of a country that has so much violence that it is worth risking my life to try and get somewhere else.  I don’t think anyone believes in 100% open borders but can’t

I’m one of those tired old immortals who sits on the moon and bewails my inability to pass from this cruel universe.

I hear you. I’ve said that a couple of times since November 2016. That I think as awful as trump is, he is one person. I can accept the fact that there is one really really awful person in the country. What depresses me so much is now knowing how many people are out there who think just like him. 

You think he knows it stands for Intelligence Quotient? 

“Best IQ”—what a joke. I wouldn’t trust him to spell IQ. He definitely couldn’t spell “intelligence quotient.”

They literally run on a platform that big government doesn’t work. Then they get elected and prove it to be true. Oh, and at the expense of the the fools who voted them into office as much as the rest of us.

Boom, bust. Potato, potahto.
The likes of Donald Trump, Steve Mnuchin and Wilbur Ross will profit either way.

South Carolina is in real economic peril. The president of Volvo was there today to open their new factory, which they built for $1.5 billion and a promise to employ 4,000 people. Now - at the very moment they’re opening it - Trump’s tarrifs are threatening the viability of the facility, and it may not be able to

One person getting shamed out of a Mexican Restaurant is them being dumb. When it’s Miller time Nazi (heart cold as hell and full of stale piss) and Ms. We Have Always Resettled the Children in the East, both of whom have featured prominantly this week. I say as a mod, that’s pure trolling, that’s not just them being

I just got kicked off of a nursing forum because someone had started a topic re: how history will judge us, and I could not believe the nurses on there defending this intentional family separation cruelty. NURSES!!! Some of them pediatric nurses!!!! I went off and they booted me. (Because you know it’s worse to CALL pe

Not only has she been silent, there were a few moments where she defended him and his right to say some verbally degrading things about other women. 

The message was literally on her jacket so, no, it wasn't hidden. 

Haha...I had a nearly identical experience in a Facebook debate I was having with a friend who said something about liberals wanting to take away everyone’s guns when Trump made his comments about taking guns first and going through due process later. I understand that there are certainly hypocrites all over the

The governor of South Carolina is “tough on borders”? What borders? The one with North Carolina?

The only good thing from the past 24 hours or so was watching all the people ranting about “TRUMP’S HANDS ARE TIED HE HAS TO FOLLOW THE LAW IT’S CONGRESS’S FAULT AND OBAMA’S” suddenly go quiet after the EO.

I’ve heard of loud clothes but tone deaf feels new. 

I am at minimum fifteen years more tired and sad than I was last summer.

Must we pretend that she ever cared about anything or anyone besides herself? She has not once used her whole ass to help other people, and she has been silent about all the unspeakable cruelty that her husband’s people can concoct. This contemptuous woman has earned our universal, collective disdain.

oh my god, Charlottesville wasn’t even a year ago.