
They never went away.

For some reason, all I can hear in my head is “Cell Block Tango” from Bob Fosse’s Chicago: He had it comin’ he had it comin.’ He only had himself to blame....”

As a bartender in a metropolitan city in the Midwest, I have seen a huge and disgusting change in dialogue since the election. I have noticed that people (most all old white men) no longer feel the need to filter their language, and I have heard some vile shit. I never imagined that this level of racism and misogyny

I can’t believe there were so many people just waiting for some sign to tell them they were allowed to be terrible people. Obviously, that was ignorance on my part but it really does amaze me.

He allegedly replied: “I love this new world, I no longer have to be politically correct,” according to the warrant.

OK, so....

He’ll be convicted of a misdemeanour, sentenced with time served because he’s 71 and and white, affluent and the judge will not want to “ruin his remaining years” by sending him to jail, “a place he is not equipped to endure”.

Seriously though, is anybody surprised hes a republican?

It’s like all of those horrible things that happened to Joan Holloway that were supposed to horrify us with their stark contrast to the frigid, overly PC office culture of today are surfacing again.

Following the incident, von Keyserling allegedly told the woman that “it would be your word against mine and nobody will believe you.”

“Trumping” is now a verb.

This. So much this.

You are assuming Pence had no idea about the collusion with Russia. Wouldn’t be so sure of that. And yeah, we’d have Paul Ryan. But imagine two Republicans got impeached...they would be insanely unpopular. Everything they did would be under harsher scrutiny than it is now. The people most likely to start a violent

“Peacefully in his sleep” would need an asterisk by it until the autopsy was done, considering ricin and polonium would be difficult to notice in a man with “astonishing health”.

Pence’s agenda will move forward no matter which role he plays. At least Pence does not appear to be in Putin’s pocket.

No, no, no.

Considering he incites crazy people with guns every time he speaks it’s probably a good thing.

His resignation?

Challenge for the next 4 years: Find a story about Donald Trump where ‘this is horrifying’ is not a context appropriate descriptor of what is happening.

This is horrifying.