
I can totally hear his whiny, pleading little manbaby voice saying this, it is so spot on.

Hahaha yes, I think that a psychologist should have some pull with these matters—but PCPs are notoriously stingy with things like these or anything long-term, and I’m all for relieving social anxiety, which is no picnic.

I’ve been on ativan since 2000 to treat various really fun emotional disorders so I have to see a psych NP to get my refills, but at least I can get them. I’m up to 3 times a day as needed. My recent fear for the country and the world since Nov. 2016 necessitated an increase to keep me from literally losing it from

Agreed. Getting the crazy pathologically insecure narcissist racist sexist rageful bully’s finger off the nuclear button is of paramount importance to me.

“Party before country” is the new Republican motto

Same. I’ve had to double my Ativan intake since the election. Fucking Don the Con and his stupid crazy ass

Hahaha are you for real??? Nice try! “It’s OK to talk shit and stereotype, as long as it’s about the Jews” Do you hear yourself? You sound like a real garbage person

As a nurse who has taken care of dozens and dozens of people suffering life-threatening alcohol withdrawal symptoms, I cannot co-sign this enough. Alcohol withdrawal can often be deadly and can only be adequately treated in a hospital under medical and nursing supervision. I’m really glad you were able to get the help

It’s definitely worth a shot. I’ll co-sign.

Let’s get on this

Or coffee. I’m ashamed to say I could maybe see myself trying this with coffee. I really like coffee.

Note to self: Must try before next 16-hour shift.

For real!

But Groucho woukdn’t join any squad that would have him! Ha!

Who are also bleeding from facelifts.

This kind of drama should be over after high school. I feel like Taylor would be EXHAUSTING to be friends with. This “squad” business is such mean girl cliquey bullshit.


I have a nearly identical rescue pittie mix named Edgar but I’m old and dumb and don’t know how to post a pic to Kinja (blushes furiously with embarrassment)

Republicans’ abandonment of the country in service to the party makes me literally ill, every day. I cannot believe they are letting this happen to us. I pray that party is painted forever as that of traitors and is consigned as such to the ashbins of history.

Well, the election WAS rigged, stolen by Goddamn Putin, I really don’t understand why we aren’t having a do over or just voiding it and announcing Hillary Prez. The man is not legitimate. Everybody knows it.