
is that the same phone number she has listed on her very public website?

they tried some gimmick where scary words (kill, murder, etc.) got replaced w/ more kid-friendly words (hug, cuddle, etc.), something to do w/ the kids' show host that existed in bryan's head, and it was just annoying as hell. the rest of the series didn't keep running w/ it, but it was really that bad that i can

episode 13 sucked. the rest were pretty good.

i had a couple of slices of that pizza sunday night. i dipped the knots in barbecue sauce. it was pretty good. i was also pretty drunk.

aside from the glaring lack of hypercolor, that's about exactly how i remember it.

and apparently that's where they were at, so i retract my statement. all i could find were red rock and slide rock state parks, "park" apparently being the problem keyword.

i can't tell that sedona has any nat'l parks, just state parks. why are they federally protected? grand canyon np is two hours away.

i believe the technical term is "doinked."

i've only ever seen the second one, but i thought the point was that it's supposedly funny when fat people do active things. i wasn't buying that message from 'beverly hills ninja,' and i'm not buying it here either.

"wait here, zombie. i've gotta take a shit."

i hope this planned trilogy breaks the last two parts in to two separate films each.

it's for baptists to make their spank bank deposits but still claim w/ a clear conscience that they don't watch porn.

what about that idris elba?

my massive ring of too many god damned keys shall jangle on in your honor, sir.

who eats the box?

or they paid him for the song, but part of the contract was that he should keep it a secret and raise this stink after a couple of weeks, so a whole bunch of people would seek out and intentionally watch a google commercial.

i'm eagerly anticipating the dvd-quality internet leak, timestamp be damned. who goes to theaters any more?

whose house?

he ruins pizzas!

after nightline, whatever short-lived late-night show ABC might have been toying w/ at the time, and any local programming, affiliates would hand off to the network for world news now, and it would run all night until the farm report the next morning. think it might have only been a 2- or 3-hour broadcast, and they'd