
people also can't spell worth a fuck 'in social media posts, tweets, blogs, comments, text messages—you name it—so there’s' that to consider.

that worked out pretty well for bobscratch goldfarb.

nah, still too fuckable. they should call amy schumer, since she's currently more concerned w/ maintaining this new-found "feminist icon" status than being funny. this is exactly the role where that could work to her advantage.

some nights i still lie awake wondering what my head would be worth if it was a piece of veal. like, if i put it up on the scale just right.

i don't remember that specific episode, but the last two seasons were better. current season (so far) has kind of sucked, though that's not a popular opinion (at least not one that anyone wants to admit publicly).

i thought that was natalie portman?

fucking CPAPs, how do they work?

and bring back cigarette commercials

what if they use the computers, but they're only using them to watch hulu or netflix? where do mobile devices fit in this model? maybe it's really a matter of office chair vs couch.

i see "0 minutes, 1 second" but have no idea what an L would have to do w/ any of that. length? is it a blessedly short episode of what i assume is a really stupid show?

i've never understood the appeal of the hamburger that's too tall to fit in your mouth.

i haven't seen a good review of it anywhere. except for the animated segments (which i thought were absolutely stupid as fuck), i like this show.

i had a friend whose dad did the whole family in march 2009. i just looked up the tax record, and the house finally sold this past february. i wonder if they know?

and post-produced on a 15-year-old pirated copy of adobe after effects.

oh, so 'green lantern' flopped because of the color palette. that sounds about right.

and i'm lucky if i can find half an hour a week in which to get funky.

we need another vietnam to thin out their ranks a little.

if i stopped it before the 1-minute mark, he doesn't get credit for the additional view, correct?

let the hate flow through you

the alabama quotes all look like they were taken from the same one person who just doesn't know how to enunciate. or, as that one person would say "… doedn't know how…" the s and the d are close enough on the keyboard; maybe they were all just typos.