
Don’t forget the torturous shoes.

This white woman has been angry about police brutality/extrajudicial murders, rape, stupidity, religion, consumerism, war-for-profit, tax-evading rich people, homophobia, sexism, denial of healthcare, racism and uncomfortable shoes since (probably) before you were born. So, whatever.....they’d have a pretty hard time

I make tweets, I stain my sheets

*warms hands at your fire*

I make tweets, I stain my sheets........

I’m convinced of this. We will have (at least) 4 more years of this slobbering demi-fascist and his pack of degenerates. I have no hope.

Might as well....she's earned it.

Your response is poetry: Really well-expressed.

I believe that ”motherfucker,” refers specifically to fucking ones own mother, not mothers in general.

Always with the fat bigotry.

I fully expect that everything you outline in your post will happen. 

Really good people.....I don't know if you know this but, those girls are really hot, the most beautiful women, and pretty young, too......sniffle, sniff, wheeze, gack, silence, dies.

She also appeared sober, which was in her favor.

Serena Joy called: She wants her dress back.

I would like to participate, yes. 

Aw, heck. Guess we're going to have to start, now.

No worries, here: My mind provided the sex without my even trying.

They couldn’t NOT be better.

I do think you’re being overly generous: That dress is a potato sack constructed of hairy unicorn farts.

Yeah, they look awful white. No wonder people had doubts.