
My first thought, too. Hypocrisy and just plain bigoted.

Eat shit, douchenozzle.

God. Thank you.

It is "retch".

Concern troll is concerned: The REAL problem is when folks enthusiastically support trans kids, not when we drive them to homelessness, poverty and suicide. Noted.

You win, obviously.


Love you.

Yes, you do.

Hm. I didn't think she was whining. She sounded excited.


Disagree: Lulu, which is already known to be horrid and oppressive (fat-bigoted, classist, cultish, probably at least a tad racist), in not-blatently-stated ways, actually considered USING A WHITE SUPREMACIST SLOGAN IN ITS ADVERTISING. Not sure why you try to weasel for them.....

Husband is an obsessive, hateful bigot.

Yes. Yes. YES.



New Age/CAM in its denial of documented reality and belief in self-serving fantasy is a perfect training ground for unhinged, delusional political extremism.

Anyone who acumulated vast experience and seniority in/near the DOD would have had to be a collaborator in their hawkish and unconstitutional practices since 9/11.

Hold my purse? I need to masturbate.

If you're ever in a mood to start a cult, let me know.