
I agree with that interpretation. It's been awhile since I read the book, but I remember feeling a lot more sympathy towards Tyrion then. It was more of an emotional decision, and it felt more like triumph than tragedy.

I agree that this episode felt very full. It would have been nice to spread some of this into the last episode, instead of extending that battle. Overall though, the changes the show is making from the books makes me actually somewhat hopeful that they'll manage to make something interesting out of the next 2 less

Thanks for doing these articles.  I never watched F&G before, but since you started the first article I blew through the entire season.  So good.
I totally agree about connecting with the parents.  I realized watching this that I'm exactly half-way in age between the kids and the parents, and I empathize with both,

I get why she's popular, but I thought she was way more fun as a side character than a POV character.  The problem is that her story feels so disconnected from the main storyline that I felt very impatient reading her sections.  I think she may play much better on TV than in the books because of the fights.