Richard Warnick

The actual Trump and his cast of White House characters is so funny and sad, and the suspense of what happens next has our attention. There isn't much else you can add. This show actually footnotes the funniest Trump utterances with references - because it's something the real Trump said.

Bobbie's character is portrayed differently in the TV show than in the book. In the original version, Avasarala simply asks Mars to assign her on temporary detail. The sudden defection to Earth was dramatic but a bit out of character— particularly because they built up her patriotism so much.

They didn't even get to the end of the first book in Season 1, but this season the plot is moving along a lot faster. It's possible they will make it to the end of the second book, "Caliban's War."

I was initially unhappy that they skipped over the battle of Bobbie's squad versus the monster, but on second thought the way it was depicted mirrors Bobbie's PTSD. I think eventually we'll see the drone video or the video recovered from Bobbie's helmet cam. It happened so fast anyway. The out-of-ammo Gatling gun…

I miss Sam, looks like that character won't be in the TV version.

Great scene: Jenna Fischer sitting on the stairway, nodding at the absurdity of the situation as inmates who committed actual crimes marvel that she has been thrown in prison for stealing nothing.