How come no one (except NGN_DZNR) is asking how the IRBM was fired from an Air Force C-17? Did the AF suddenly restart the ALBM testing?
How come no one (except NGN_DZNR) is asking how the IRBM was fired from an Air Force C-17? Did the AF suddenly restart the ALBM testing?
That’s not what “no passing” means. Passing a stopped vehicle is not considered a pass. I say that as a racer and licensed official.
Sorry, but I think you have the black and red backwards. In SCCA (and this is not sanctioned under SCCA), black means head back to pits and red means stop immediately.
They are not boomers. Placing a strategic, invisible SSBN in a littoral zone with chokepoints is very bad. No one would put their strategic assets in range of someone else’s ASW assets.
Exactly. This is an example of a mountain out of a molehill. Anyone with an understanding of the missions of US subs would have to assume that there was already some stationed in-region. This is non-information to say there are subs in the oceans around the Korean peninsula.
For those who are interested (race nerds), the rule that was invoked today was part of the FIA International Sporting Code, Appendix H, Section Here is the direct link to the most current Appendix H.
Love or hate him, that’s just a really horrible picture of Lewis. He looks like someone just shook him awake. Serious, did they hire the same guy that photoshopped OJ?
Exactly. You beat me to it. It looks exactly like the GTP. Horrible. Truly horrible.
Both drivers were incredibly lucky. When I saw the way the Corvette was trying to re-enter, I was reminded of the horrific Mosport 2001 Trans-Am accident.
The sad thing is that it was actually posted to YouTube 3 months ago. No need for Facebook crap.
When I first started racing I was passed (repeatedly!) by one of these on the Mosport straight. I was in a Datsun 510 and the closing speed was maybe 100kmph. Driven by Klaus Byztek. He could lap my dead-ass-slow Datsun about every 3 laps.
And what’s the deal with a door sticker on only one door (drivers side). Trump couldn’t afford both doors?? :)
No No No No No. The Hiroshima weapon was 15 kilotons, not megatons. 15 MT would have been the largest device ever exploded by the US - Castle Bravo.