RM Operania

Am I the only one who, most especially with that picture, see Michaela and Laurel being parallels to Annalise and Eve? Or is that too far out there and I'm just wishfully thinking?

I have always thought about the start with one big tribe thing. Here's how I thought it should go:

I recognized her at once. I shouted "Why's Jean Grey there?" to the screen when she showed up. I half-hoped she'll fling the pen she's holding at Nate using her mind. Lol

IIRC, Michaela has on her engagement ring while she's frantic at the murder scene. During the scene where Laurel calms her down, I remember the ring being focused.

Michaela being premed really made me excited. I loved Emily Owens, MD where she played an insufferable know-it-all (pretty much like this one) intern. And I agree, I never thought about it until this episode but Bonnie could have killed Sam.

There are two types of viewers of this show. Those who refer to Alfred Enoch's character as Wes and those who call him Dean Thomas. lol