What should the name for a group of “influencers” be? A Keurig? A Tesla? A Starbuck?
What should the name for a group of “influencers” be? A Keurig? A Tesla? A Starbuck?
I wondered what it meant, that the arbiters of taste at society’s highest echelons were staking out their claim to feminism, or at least acting like it.
Man, they must skip a lot of the Bible.
It’s like if a family of methheads won the lottery.
“Well I don’t care if you’re just thirteen
You look too good to be true
I just know that you’re probably clean
There’s one lil’ thing I got do to you”
Excuse me while I go vomit in the trash can.
Let’s not forget that Ted Nugent classic “Jailbait” where he talks about wanting to rape a 13 year old and suggests that instead of arresting him, a police officer should rape her, too:
Not so much “people”: women. Women get this question.
Rude people live everywhere. Mr. Portas and I chose to have only 1 child. People constantly asked when we were having another. After I said we weren’t planning anymore they had no problem telling me how bad for a child it was not to have siblings. That only children were spoiled, socially awkward, blah, blah, blah. I…
It’s not really an aggressive, shame-y kind of pressure, but more of a “tick tock!” kinda thing from grinning busybodies. Usually accompanied with a heaping side of “Oh you’ll change your mind! Don’t wait too long!”.
We decided not to have children.
I really appreciate that other people do and we will always have friends that have children that we are close to butIt was a choice I made very early.
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of racist drunkles’ voices wheezed out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
Ha! This warms my cold, black heart. Today was a good day, with this and the Chaffetz news.
I have always wondered how makeup companies got away with that. It is SO obvious that the lash are fake. Show me what the mascara can REALLY do and I’ll buy it. For now, I’ll stick with my Maybelline Great Lash in the pink and green tube.
Not that your opinions are wrong, but if you change weed to booze, that is basically every parent in the 1950s-1980s.
Intoxication is a spectrum. You don’t think someone who has a glass of wine every night is a bad person or parent, do you? How about two glasses? Maybe for my friend 2 glasses is slurring and stumbling, and for me it’s a nice evening of intellectual debate, with wine. It’s fairly individual, isn’t it?
Yeah that guy seemed a little questionable... if the only way you can tolerate spending time with your kids is getting high every day that’s a problem. We’d judge a dad who got drunk every day and was drunk around his kids all the time, so I fail to see how being high around them is better.