
That is one bloodline I hope dies out.

I think most of these things are pretty harmless. Sound baths can be extremely relaxing and meditative. Plenty of solid evidence that mediation can do some fantastic things. Even the aura photography...who knows? People thought real photography was the devils work when it first came out. Things like aura’s, chakra’s,

There’s a disgustingly hip joint in Venice and Santa Monica that sells pricey shots of juice with names like “Antibiotic”

Can we talk about the names of her $24 Liquid Lip colors?

To make the black shoppers easier to follow around and watch closely.

“Step 1: place lettuce leaf on plate. garnish with sliver of beet. ENJOY with your family!”

Oh man, me too. She was my favorite.

-spaghetti sauce from a jar over microwaved noodles


Can Lindy West come back and review this?!

As much as people like to call Jezebel a feminist site, it's own tagline is "Celebrity, sex and fashion for women. Without airbrushing." Slagging off Goop fits the celebrity and fashion parts pretty well. There's probably no need to be so negative, but, Gwyneth is kind of noisy about her wealthy, perfect life, so

may have to remember that as future business opportunity for my family's place....

The Brentwood Country Mart is its own thing. It's a leeeeetle bit like when Marie Antoinette decided to have a chic farm for fun. We have those other kinds of places you describe, too, in other parts of town.

Yes and no.I would buy a Burberry trench, and a very nice, classic bag. I would allow myself splurges at higher-end stores, but I'd still mostly go for the sale racks. For everyday, I think I could be content maxing out at JCrew-level spending.

My mum is one of those people who grew up with absolutely no money and now has a lot, and she's a funny mix of extravagant and frugal. Like, she has this bespoke Amanda Wakely coat that cost well over a thousand pounds, but she's had it for ten years, wears it all winter and it's her only coat. Still looks good as

But... but I can't tell the difference between the expensive bag and the knockoff

Smug look on their faces?

I'm reluctant to shop in those kinds of stores because I feel like I'm going to mess everything up! I'm so clumsy that I have to tread lightly and only gently touch the tags so I can read them and be all, "Fuck this shit! $60 for a tshirt!?! I'm off to Old Navy."

The woman wearing it will also be carrying a £1500 Mulberry/Burberry/Prada/LV/You-Get-The-Drift handbag.

There is something about a very spare, minimal shop with only a few items that makes me reluctant to shop there. I know my brain is supposed to think that they have very few items because each item is very exclusive but all I can think is that they can't possibly have what I'm looking for. Anybody else have this issue?