
The Sopranos isn't mystery-based, but they certainly maintained quality and tension over 22 episodes a season. I'm not much into the Wire, but ditto. The Good Wife wasn't quite as consistent, but they did a lot with a lot of time. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend's excellent first season had 18 episodes. There are plenty of superb

Liberal pissing matches suck, so here's a little of MY urine to put an end all these damn peeing races!

Plus she was able to snitch to her mom about what his trauma spots were so that Missy could trap him with it in her hypnosis.

The line is pretty simple for me. If the character is disabled, a disabled actor should be cast to play them.

Yeah but Garrett is actually black. He's not actually disabled. I hate to criticize it because Colton Dunn is knocking it out of the fucking park, but putting an abled actor in a wheelchair isn't cool.

This is extremely true. My father in law IS Hank. Same accent, same daily uniform, same lawn fetish, same extreme discomfort with feelings. If you tell him he is Hank Hill, as many have, he makes an discomforted grimace and changes the subject, often to propane.

You've got a good point. The whole Philly plot was contrived and required J&P to act out of character in a number of ways. There was a lot of back and forth between them that wasn't true to either of their characters.

Right, that's part of why it was so frustrating though. They abandoned a lot of character growth. Regression makes sense but she was being straight up irrational. Especially considering that Jim had always been unambitious and then finally found what he wanted to do (which I bought), it was just shitty and

They make Ashton Kutcher look like a comedic genius.

They did a great job of turning it around on him though. That one episode where Dwight plays snow-mind-games him holds up, because it shows that Jim could dish it out but couldn't really take it. And I think it helped transition the character away from the bullying.

These are old, but fucking Xander on BTVS. Hate him, hate his face, hate his incompetence, hate how he contributes nothing, hate his misogyny, hate him for dumping Anya, hate. Hate. Hate. I don't know if it RUINS it, but I hate him

I just don't think the comparison to Homer is an insult. So what if she's not Marge? It's a different show. Tina isn't Lisa. Gene isn't Bart. Louise is kind of Bart though. He's right that she's the id of the show, but that's not a bad thing.

I mean "Little King Trashmouth" alone.

They kept thinking that Ed Helms has the same capabilities as Steve Carrell. Steve Carrell could have sold that scene and made it funny-excruciating rather than just terrible.

I actually liked most of season 9, but they did some really weird things with Pam's character in particular. The whole arc where Jim wanted to move to Philly to pursue his dream and she was like "no let's stay in shitty Scranton, I'm complacent here" was not in touch with her earlier character and made no sense given

While I agree to a certain extent - I thought the idea of three Burberry stores in Eagleton was great and totally ridiculous - they do occasionally take it an inch too far, and I would say that the Gotcha Girls was one of those points. That many attractive women in the fourth-most-obese city are just on hand for

Agreed. I laughed a lot and came out thinking how much better it's been this season. I thought the arc with Andy had emotional resonance that built on past character traits (though it was a little too much like that scene in the Michael Scott Paper Company arc where his grandma smacks him down).

I watched the first two episodes of Community and gave it up because in my memory it was quite boring - it seemed a very status quo sitcom to me. When I picked it back up in season two, it was much more dynamic and funny. I'll have to revisit the early episodes at some point and see how my opinion changed - I remember

That doctor is a recurring character - he was in the s2 Halloween episode, and I think also Flu Season in s3. In those episodes, he was an extremely frank jerk with no sense of propriety. And Jerry wouldn't ask anybody for anything like that - man has no sense of entitlement at all. I think Jerry is just hung like a

I believe Ben oversees all departments - so there's no one in City Hall that he could date.