
Thank u for this

Did you know that most birds to not have a penis? I didn’t until I googled it a minute ago, always wondered, never wanted to find out. Most of them don’t. Most of them... Makes you wonder, which one of them do...

Give it up, Tom. An Oort Cloud is not walking through that door. 

“How much money is that former UConn guy making, anyway?”

Armstrong remains an unrepentant, life-ruining asshole. He deserved much worse.

This really spoke to me.

With the Mohawk dude? I remember that game!

Too soon?

don’t tease us

Some people will think this joke is outdated but I am all for it and spit coffee on my laptop laughing.

I give it about 6 months before he gets moved to another facility.

This guy needs to quit complaining. I can think of nine reindeer that would kill for a parachute that worked that well.

Patrick Ewwwwing amirite?

Uhhhh... Frank Kaminksy is on this list.

It’s like that classic Nathan Hale quote when his British executioner asked the colonial war hero how he felt about being a spy who was caught and about to be hanged. Hale replied, “I only regret that.”

I mean there is plenty of inept sports management in the basketball world. Take Ernie Grunfeld, please.

I don’t care for basketball, but I do love reading about inept sports management, and this did not let me down one bit.

Underrated. +1

Hmmmm....do I...avoid Fox Sports for being the kind of place that employs Clay Travis and publishes shit like “How To Land A Husband At The Masters”? Or do I swear allegiance to Fox Sports for being the kind of place that employs Katie Nolan and tears down shit like “How To Land A Husband At The Masters”?

It looks like the next password should have been "BOOKIE PHONE NUMBERS", continuing the theme of "things that are deceptively difficult to juggle."