
We get it dude you don’t like drunk driving

post-Michael Sam world?

Lol come on now. He went to an elite private school Metro Detroit and its not like the admission standards at Michigan State are world class.

If you try to run a trick play while the defense plays with 10 men to honor a dead teammate, this deserves to happen to you.

Mike D’antonio

I’ve heard pirates rationalize digital theft in many different ways, but never that they were doing it so the could buy water and live. Bravo jackass.

These one-and-doners are ruining college golf.

Don't act like you don't know who Russ Smith is.

How dare the sports website have news about sports

If I had the money, I'd build my own course in a nanosecond to avoid the geezers and poseurs standing over every shot like it meant winning the Masters, and the oblivious, entitled chuckleheads who refuse to clear a green until they've finished telling their story and marking their scorecards.

what do the other people say?

So if I'm reading this correctly, it's really not about the players at all, but more about the media's sanctimonious and high-horsed reactions to the wrongdoing?

There are no winners in the toast story. Not the batshit crazy customer that doesn't know how words work (and who gets that irate at any toast-related issue?). But the server doesn't win either, I mean he/she could see that the toast was, in fact, wheat toast. Every time a new plate came out, it was wheat, right? How

My respect for Popp got even higher. Dwight Howard seems like such a waste of space. It's like he can't help pissing people off left and right.

Does it matter if I haven't seen the first 49?

By the way, you could say that you not tolerating his stance on homosexuality, you're just as much of a bigot as he is. Oh tolerance.