
The hilarious thing is she started talking just like Root, especially when talking about the Machine and how "she" talks to her.

I didn't read the article since I still haven't seen the last episode but for me, Root went from "F****** douchebag, hope she dies a painful death" to "YES PLEASE MORE SO AWESOME MY EMPRESS". That's what I love the most about PoI: the incredible women.

No mention of the best moments of this episode? The total blatant flirting has made Shoot canon. They really need to take Bear and get their own show about saving numbers and killing terrorists.

Hence the SECOND meaning of "/" for this ep

"I couldn't make you look bad even if I wanted to"

The false nature-culture (wilderness-settlement) binary(ies) are exactly what fascinate me about political ecology and why I am an anthropologist studying the intersection of conservation work and local systems of power and inequality.

Oh come, come Rob.

I demand the aliens look exactly the same or I'm out.

Obligatory. . . :)

One of my recent faves for movie nights is Attack the Block. Lots of cheekiness and Basement Jaxx-y party music and it sets a mood to keep folks hyped and upbeat.

I saw this turkey at a midnite showing last night... magnificent.

So, essentially, PECTORNADO.

The O'Neil Cylinder.

Absolutely! I still enjoy a lot of big blockbuster summer movies, but I am bothered by the emphasis on destiny and saving the entire world in so many movies today. It can be okay in small doses, but it is definitely getting tiresome. It's also ideologically troubling to me, as it makes every hero into a god or messiah

Cat People

Alas, it has a spelling error, which once seen cannot be unseen!

So basically I'm shocked that they consider zombies breaking into cars a threat but actively help pirates conceal their booty.

This famous picture by Michael Collins contains every human that ever lived, except the photographer.