

And that’s when we find out that “Game of Thrones” is YET ANOTHER show in Tommy Westphall’s imagination. Which means we could have a crossover with Tyrion Lannister hanging out with John Munch, or watch Detective Sargent Olivia Benson kick some ass in Westeros.

And, most importantly, Bear lived. Good Bear.

So, no drug use means nobody can film the original script for “City on the Edge of Forever”.

“Merging with the hive mind” is just “Getting a U-Haul” for the 21st century.

Ah - I’ve only read the first book.

They sure did talk about the Hound a lot the past couple of episodes, and noted that he’s (allegedly) dead. I’m guessing he’ll be back, just from a story structure foreshadowing standpoint.

I was more thinking something like this

Also the only member of Congress to go to SDCC and cosplay as his younger self!

Well said. I will miss seeing you on io9, and look forward to the new book!

Well, Shaw already had a pretty awesome ‘death’ scene - the bit where she got gunned down at the end of “if/then/else” was like something out of anime, with overcranked coat swishing and a hail of bullets.


Voting changes to the Hugo take two years, and we’re in the second year. So hopefully E Pluribus Hugo will pass again and we can at least limit the slate-voting bs.

She was also delightful as Alice B. Toklas in “Waiting for the Moon”


I commented to my wife as we watched Danaerys being walked along that ‘being staggeringly underestimated by people who don’t know she speaks their language’ is kind of a sweet-spot for Danaerys as far as her strategic/tactical position.

Ties into this fan theory:

That’s fine, but dammit, I want her in more action movies. More 5'2" action movie heroines!

OH MY GOD THAT BOOK WAS SO BAD. I made the mistake of borrowing it as a book-on-tape in the late 90's when I was going on a long road trip. One of the cassettes in the set was missing, and I really didn’t miss it. The writing itself was terrible - this is when I discovered that while good writing can be even better

That’s the thing with online polls, though - how do you guarantee only one vote per person? It’s a difficult problem to solve while still maintaining an open vote.