
Maybe the Scientologists will ‘find’ another Hubbard novel and publish it and crush Day with their own slate.

Interesting. I hope they can get their voting set up in a reasonable manner - it’s a hard problem to solve.

Grace Jones is my patronus:

That and the flagpole scene.

That Vulcan is non-stop!

That fan website was *brilliant*. Before release, a friend emailed me the link without telling me what it was, and I spent a while staring at it really confused because it looked like some kind of Blake’s 7 sort of ‘small fandom’ show but I’d expect to have heard of it before this. Then, when I was staring at the


Wow. Remember when the US govt was all shocked that the Soviet Union would consider deploying automatic machine guns at the Berlin Wall?


Man, the man is non-stop.

Interesting interview - thanks!

I always figured the ending showed that the precogs arranged the whole thing to get out of that damned pool.


Wait, Fight Club is scifi?

Does this list include movies watched outside of the theater or that the Clintons already owned? (one reason why classic movies might not show up)

Reprint of a pretty savage article from the Miami Herald on how NASA went into reflexive-secrecy mode over the remains and how hard they pushed the narrative that it was an explosion and the crew must’ve died instantly.

Or Orrin Hatch.

It’s worth noting and specifically calling out that DallasFood.org is the same blogger who uncovered the unglamorous truth about “Noka Chocolates”, which were a similarly deceitful chocolate company. Clearly, DallasFood.org is a warrior on behalf of tasty chocolate truthfulness everywhere.

The best thing about the 2015 Terminator movie was Clarke as an action hero who was barely over 5’ tall. If only it was a good movie.