

Black Mesa handles it pretty well. They dropped the other tentacle interaction in the exterior desert area.

One of the design choices I *really* like in the HL series is that they (mostly) eschew cut-scenes - even while you're getting an infodump, you can usually walk around a small area, interact with things, etc, so it doesn't break the FPS experience too much. The only exception I can think of mid-game is the bit where

Yeah, I always figured Lando got a bad rap.

Actually, it was all about ethics in Blue Sun related journalism.

Read the headline, wondered how far I'd have to read to find a particular economist, and ... THERE HE IS!

I just spent a vacation weekend sitting by a pool and used it to hoover up several of CE Murphy's "Walker Papers" books. Fun stuff!

I'm surprised - somewhere along the line I got the idea that LSD wouldn't be particularly stable through the grilling process.

One thing about the "television, tuned to a dead channel" imagery is that when it was written it meant dark gray static, and it's slowly shifting to mean that bright clear flawless blue of "no signal input"


You missed a couple of awesome ones: Michelle Yeoh in "Wing Chun"! Also, Michelle Yeoh, Anita Mui, and Maggie Cheung all together in one film, "The Heroic Trio". And to round out my Michelle Yeoh fangirling, she steals the show from Jackie Chan in "Police Story 3: Supercop"

Clearly, this is the best thing to come out of Lynn since the development of the textile mill industry. Awesome job, kids! Fuck yea!

I'm surprised they didn't run into trademark issues with Valve, since the name of the Combine's military/protection forces in Half Life 2 and Half Life 2: Episodes 1 and 2 is "Overwatch"

That was a fun script fragment. I would totally watch that.

The Twitter user "picpedant" (https://twitter.com/picpedant) debunks viral images and finds correct attribution for them. It's an entertaining feed.

Oh hell yeah. Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing! Ladyfingers!

I used to be an electrician and once - back when I was an apprentice - I worked in the basement of a building that had been a funeral home for a while. Creepiest place I've ever been. By the end of the afternoon, as the sun was setting and we finished up wiring the gas heater zone valves, we practically ran out of

There was a good TV adaptation years ago as part of the "Masters of Horror" anthology series. My favorite little throwaway bit that was added to their Screwfly Solution was Christian billboard graffiti that, instead of John 3:17, was Genesis 3:16 (about how Eve and her descendants will bear children in pain as