

Oh right! I nearly forgot — as I recall, the Overlords did that to protect the white people who were being oppressed by the black majority.

I am TENTATIVELY INTERESTED. I'm also trying to figure out what they have to drop and keep to pull it into the modern day or near-future.

When I did college radio, this was a prank people would play on each other. It was termed "stutter-phoning".

I also do this.

HOORAY! Patrick Warburton brought the perfect level of earnest lunk-ness to the Tick. I can only hope his work as Brock Samson has helped hone it. :)

FemShep is the best Shep.

Yay! Musicals FTW!


"Summer is coming"

And so Hampden died and then many years later he was reincarnated as one of Anita Sarkeesian's harassers.

God, yeah. And right after the Apollo missions stopped, while we were waiting for the space shuttle to come online, there was this feeling of optimism about space - Gerry O'Neill's "High Frontier" was popularized by an episode of PBS's NOVA science show, and young me was captivated by the ideas in it. Humans living

Is it really that well set-up? I remember seeing it in the theater and thinking "oh, okay, unreliable narrator. WOOHOO ALL A BIG LIE"

It's as bad as when people started calling the "@" the "at-sign"

I'm sure that creating an income-integrated neighborhood (or building) with income-segregated entrances will be *totally* different than an income-segregated neighborhood.

So we need the "Raiders"/"Downfall" mashup video.

Also, a closet snake will do wonders with a backed up system.

Yay! More Michelle Forbes work!

I was once early on the scene for an accident - someone had been hit by a car and both legs were broken mid-shin. My brain *would* *not* parse what I was seeing - I kept seeing the break as his ankles and what was wrong with his feet? And finally, what I was staring at snapped into focus and I realized that, yeah,

Bill Mumy!