
As a lifelong comic book nerd (the first comic book I bought rather than borrowed from a friend was Dark Phoenix, when Jean Grey dies - the first time!), and a lifelong musical theatre nerd, this delights me.

Oh God, yes. I had heard very little about the movie when I saw it, and this was just delightful.

Conveniently, punk as a genre and an aesthetic doesn't actually require the ability to play instruments.

You go start that one, and I'll start a Dog Knot cover band called "Dog Not"!

Some shows I replay because they're familiar and I want something low-effort. (Dick Wolf, I am looking at your shows.) Some, I replay because there's something particular I want to see again. And some, I watch to see what I missed the first (or second or third) time through.

I grew up in eastern Massachusetts, where there's lots of light pollution, and I got used to being able to pick out constellations and recognizing star patterns ("oh, yeah, it's that time of year - there's orion"). A few months after I moved to Seattle, I slept out on the Olympic Peninsula and there were so many

"Red Dragon" was a good book. "Silence of the Lambs" was a great book.

There's a pretty-much annual tradition in Seattle of the local media filling up a slow news day with 'HOLY CRAP RAINIER IS A VOLCANO AND IF IT GOES WE'RE ALL FUCKED'. I mean, between volcanos and flood/tsunami risk and landslides and earthquakes, it's a very risk-laden area. Pick your poison.

"Doctor knows best!"

You're quite welcome. I really did enjoy the movie.

SENN! I have seen Senn (At the Boston Sci-Fi Film Festival, in fact), and really enjoyed it. It's a little rough in spots but has some great worldbuilding and - I don't think this is a spoiler - the funniest use of a cgi giraffe ever. It's a very pretty movie, too.

Vaccinations and antibiotics.

I wish you well with both your faith and relationship with your God. Like Thomas, who needed to poke Christ's wounds, I need more evidence. (otoh... mmm. evidence of peanut butter cups. nom nom nom.)

Yeah - I don't know that much about fluid dynamics and acoustics, so I'd be guessing wildly. And probably incorrectly, at that.

Interesting! I'm curious whether a moving object surrounded by something like this would be invisible to active sonar but still visible to "passive sonar"because water moving across the structure would be noisy enough to be picked up.

I remember that movie!

I grew up living with dogs, and when I got my kitties lo these many years ago, I figured out pretty quick that while dogs live in essentially the same world we do, cats really, really REALLY don't.

For some random reason, my favorite throwaway bit in the episode was Lady Sif calling him "PHIL, SON OF COUL."

I still miss Carter, because she was the chick on this show who wasn't a psychopath. Not that there's anything wrong with Shaw and Root (and Kara, and Control) but they're all pretty much sociopaths or psychopaths.