
Monty Hall, please call your office.

A pretty good run. And, honestly, good for it to go out before it passes its peak.

That actually makes sense. Good for him - whatever gets you through it.

How is it that Liam Neeson is in this movie? Has he developed a coke habit? Is he in debt to someone? I mean seriously, the dude is an Oscar-nominated actor with some actual career, there.

I've heard a theory that people who are nervous are more likely to throw rock.

PBS's NOVA series did an episode or two about this, with much presence by Gerry O'Neill (author of "The High Frontier" which is *the* book for this whole thing). That optimism, before the oil embargo and stagflation, with reusable spacecraft ready to come online... with the right eyes, you can look out and almost see

I think Lauren Ambrose's character is clearly the equivalent of Morden from B5. "Take my card" vs "What do you want?"

A video store I used to frequent had a section of disaster movies labelled "VENGEFUL ACTS OF A WRATHFUL GOD". aww yeah.

It took me forever to get into Glasshouse, but Halting State caught me pretty quickly as did the Atrocity Archives. I'm partway thru Rule 34 now, and enjoying it.

You are correct. We cannot wait. ALAS, WE MUST. muttermutterstupidpassageoftim....

Seeing the headline, I was somehow hoping the nickname was a reference to Maru the cat.

Check out Cecilia Tan's "Magic University" series — what happens at Veritas, the secret magical university located on and around the Harvard campus. Magic, intrigue, and collegiate sexy times.

I saw a screening of the first episode at a theater in Cambridge, MA, last night. It failed to suck! Yay! Gwen shooting things! Jack being all wry. Yes!

Wait, are you sure this isn't just the CIA coming up with another cover story to look for downed subs?

there was a paper written a few years ago that looked at weather changes during the several days that nearly all flights over the US were grounded in mid-September 2001. A few percentages of notable difference, iirc.

With the title of this post - "Make way for robots" - I really want to see McCloskey style artwork of robots trying to cross the street while cops stop traffic. Maybe ROBOT COPS. or even ROBOCOP.


I liked her on Journeyman. (And I miss Journeyman. Although I'm sure I'd be bitching about it by now if it had stayed on the air...)

That's a good point! Consider the "you have to start trusting me" speech from the finale last season that first showed up in the angels episode earlier in that season.

I'm actually shocked that you didn't use this article as an excuse to slip a pic of your own cats onto the site.