Sorry Mr. Milligan.
Sorry Mr. Milligan.
Fahey also suggested “It’s Supra Effective” but it’s not a supra.
Missed an opportunity for Pikarchu, but it’s all good — highlight reel is still the best show on TV.
Great little piece. I think my favorite thing about these “epic” style RPGs that allow us to shape the world they exist in is how sometimes that world becomes a mirror of who we are and the ideals we’d like to see represented in our own lives... or the ability to play out character traits we would never dare portray…
You seem to have missed the real issue. It’s not Trump it’s supporting a shitposting mill that is the real issue. I would give ZERO cares if all he had done is give money to a SuperPAC or Trump or started his own SuperPAC. NimbleAmerica is just gross.
Normally I’d agree. But racism and other forms of bigotry which Trump promotes aren’t a “difference of opinion” that should be accorded the same respect as other kinds of disagreements. That’s what I believe and what many believe, and that’s why this is a special case.
I don’t give any fucks about who Palmer votes for, what I do give fucks about is Palmer funding a shitposting mill.
1. He is a prominent figure in gaming technology.
Well I’m glad you don’t read articles for a living!
I’d say The Witcher 3 most definitely does not suffer from the “Fallout 4 problem”, because its narrative is designed to encompass days, weeks of time without feeling like the main quest urgency is on hold. Geralt arrives in the country with only the vaguest direction and a lot of clues to scrounge up through the…
Did you read the article at all? Hayes never put a statement out. Said statement was put together and released on Hayes behalf by someone else within his party at the time. Hayes, currently recovering from a stroke, couldn’t do much about it.
Here you go:
Is it really wrong to say “I don’t like the current representation of a character I used to enjoy” though? Old Lara was cool. New Lara is not as cool, and my least favorite part of one of my favorite games.
yeah, but then you have borderlands
*shrug* I don’t have anything to say about Pokemon GO. Maybe I will tomorrow, I don’t know. Right this second, I can’t think of anything. So I’m not gonna write anything about it.
Ok, everyone’s doing it, so I’ll weigh in as well. My expansion ratings: