
I love them both, but I feel like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye are probably pretty high on this list.

Not at all. Since the mass of the frog is considerably less than the mass of the resulting prince, the process is endothermic. It wouldn't destroy half the world; to get that much energy requires the mass that would destroy half the world.

His hers yours ours theirs its. I was going to add something snarky and witty but, I got nothing. Hopefully you got the point.

Jebus, what a Nazi.

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be difficult here but I'm not sure where I lied in my first comment. This is the umpteenth video I've seen where someone suggests that shadows are moving and I really think it is pretty absurd and pointless. Also, I have yet to watch a video from this guy that I felt was especially

The amount of work is just absolutely insane.

My lAsT paY CheK wUZ ¥9500 wOrKiNg 12 HourZ a Week on a LAPtop. My father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate has been averageing Kk 4 monTHS now ANd WorKS 24HoursADAT. I can't Beleve How Easy It IS when we take over the Hummen population.

Erastothenes calculated the circumference of the Earth, the tilt of the Earth's axis, and the distance of the Earth from the sun over 1600 years before this guy. Come on he's the the first result when you google "first person to calculate the circumference of the earth".

Please explain how unbounded nonderterminism would in any way circumvent the self-referential issue I elaborated on above? I'm fairly certain my proof wasn't limited to Turing machines, but generalizable to any type of logic. That small 2-line program I wrote is essentially another form of the classic "This sentence

Okay so there's Shane Broussard, who came here to derp. Holt3130 is trying to derp but isn't totally sure how to derp. Dchall8 is derping. Wile E Coyote is all about the derp. CHUTCHER is happy to derp. Eric is super derping. NikFromNYC is, like clockwork, happy to apply the derp. Serpico74 is derping. Evil13RT is up

Okay, obviously I disagree with him about climate change, but the rest of his statements don't seem particularly crazy in the context of his argument. CO2 is not a "pollutant" any more than any other substance is a pollutant in excessive quantities. The disagreement is in regards to whether the quantities we are

Arrogant? Or simply condescending? Either way, completely self-centered tripe.

I thought this article was going to be interesting, but it turned out that most of the examples were pretty terrible and mostly arrogant.

An algorithm is nothing more than process by which a problem is solved. If there is no general algorithm to solve it, then by definition there is no process to solve it generally. The reason is simple through a proof by contradiction, as follows: consider a black-box algorithm (or, if you prefer, non-algorithmic

This is one of the few times I'm surprised at an article on io9. I see nothing wrong with any of these quotes — attempting to state the situation before then making a judgement is simply how the courts system works — and it's a good thing.

She's more silicone now than woman; twisted and shallow.

I haven't heard of the Wang tile or Kolmogorov complexity problems before now, so I'll just focus on the halting problem. The crux of that problem is that for it to be general IMPLIES A CONTRADICTION. So while you're right that a computer can't solve it, that's because it is logically unsolvable by ANYTHING, computer

Well, if you've got a problem with George, please for the love of god never click a Bricken article.