It’s also a bad narrative because we won the popular vote.
It’s also a bad narrative because we won the popular vote.
Huh, it’s almost like the messenger matters as much as the message. Who would have thought that Bernie’s positions wouldn’t have the same impact coming from someone who was fundraising at Goldman Sachs.
A person who holds bad opinions is different from a bad person. Every single person holds at least one opinion that others would deem bad, not every single person is bad. That’s called ‘the human condition’.
If a person who promoted global fracking as SOS is the best environmental candidate we’ve had, we need better environmental candidates.
I’ve been thinking about it, and I see two things that ultimately torpedoed HRC’s campaign.
I’m a Hispanic male who voted for Bernie in the primaries and who voted for Hillary during the general election. I live in a swing state so I couldn’t throw my vote away unforntualy NC went trumps way. On the bright side we might have beaten Pat Mcrory
In my view, Democrats should talk about economics and social democracy AND they should continue to defend the rights of women, racial minorities, immigrants and the LGBT community. I don’t see this as an “either-or”/“instead” proposition. I know Bernie Sanders is a divisive figure here at Jezebel, but I am…
No, we should be concerned about not calling them bad all the damn time, because calling someone bad all the time is not going to change their mind, it’s only going to make them double down on what you think is bad about them.
Hillary Clinton did not go to Wisconsin once. She basically took the whole month of August off to do fundraisers. President Obama, who won two Presidential elections, was right on the money when he brought up how getting out and meeting people is what won him those races. Hillary lost and it’s her own damn fault.…
Yeah they will. You have to get people who will not change outvoted by those who oppose them. Half the eligible voters of America are up for grabs.
Yo: maybe socialist economic policies and class-centricm might help with those concerns? Just a thought.
Yeah he should have ran third party instead, im sure he would have received no criticism for ruining it for Hillary then. Wait whats this about Jill Stein?
I remember when the hardcore Hillary commenters were actually acting like her terrible reputation was a strength. “She’s been attacked a million times and she’s still running! See? SHE’S IMMUNE TO BEING SMEARED NOW LOLOLOL YASS QWEEEN.”
Are you seriously arguing that the six percent more of the young white voters who voted for Trump were mostly registered Democrats who voted for Bernie in the primary? Where are the exit polls about primary voting vs. general voting with candidates to support this argument? You do realize that Obama LOST the young…
I volunteered and voted for Clinton after supporting Bernie in the primary. I went out and convinced several friends to do the same.
Oh my God. Congratulations on being 16 years old and pouting. He ‘used’ the DNC because he votes with them like 99% of the time and because it’s the only viable path to victory in our country. Also, don’t know if you’ve read anything in the last two months, but the DNC absolutely sabotaged him from the very beginning.
Your political system asks its participants to tear each other down for a year, in public.
For my part, I also hope that we literally never hear from a Clinton again. Chelsea, don’t run for Congress.