
@LiseMarie: When I read that statement, I heard the accent and pretty much melted.

This definitely makes me feel better about their divorce as well. While my parents only had me, and divorced nearly 15 years ago, they still consider each other family cause they share family. It's beautiful when it can work out that way.

@Ms.Moneypenny: so do I! Season pass and everything and there was no Project Runway recorded.

@STICKSnSCONES: seconded! This was so spot on, I don't even care if she repeated herself like three times.

While I do believe it is possible to be "blinded" by love and not notice how your significant other feels this way or that about a particular subject, there were several clues to at least suggest that he has more than a passing interest in Nazism.

@HannahBethD: this entire thread made me happy. I don't count my "days" because I always know when I'm ovulating. For about 3 days a month, I can not think about anything but sex and act like a cat in heat, rubbing up against any young dude that may be near.

This list is full of Yale 'fame-whores,' drunks and friends of Rumpus staff members which is lily white and combines all three of the above.

Kathryn is a woman and can make films about supposedly male-centric topics and they are just as poignant and technically masterful as any celebrated man in her profession. A beautiful, memorable film that I was so happy was playing at my theater.

@itsonreserve: no, in normal/everyday contexts, republican aren't using the word "family" to mean "family values." But when a prominent national republican is urging women to join the political ranks, I'd bet good money that's what they are talking about. Like it or not, this is one of the dichotomies portrayed in

@PixiePie: I know exactly how you feel. Language is super important which means you miss out music/family gatherings (where no one bothers to speak english) or church events. Minus my family, it makes it easy for people to say I'm not "really ethiopian." The thing that usually impresses them is my intimate knowledge

Now playing

Lurvin this list! Did anyone see the most Jane Eyre adaptation from 2006? Toby Stephens is Rochester and I totally forgive the director for choosing a not-at-all ugly actor for the role.

my first thought was "is that Ja Mei King from Summer Height High?!"

@Tartan_Tart: But I think they do this in every "conflict/disaster zone." Watching those news reels from Vietnam, I always thot it was strange that the news casters would wear suits in front of the helicopters about to land, soldiers exiting the plane etc.

@hello.kitty: Ah! I love that play (fantastic film adaptation as well) and i've always wanted to play Maggie in a production.

Under Beyonce's achievements, the first two refer to "one of the coolest men alive" Jay Z. Sweet.

@BrianDoh: my guess for Cameron was "uh, i could win"

Sadie, I love you for this post. I'd just like to add a few things that are semi-related:

@geckogirl: am i the only person who spots even with a pad? I thought tampons were the solution to this but I've never really gotten them to work/when i try its uncomfortable.

@meloroast: me too. As much as I get frustrated by my countries politics, I can't help but feel mushy inside thinking about "the Office" and any misguided dreams I might have of working there. I blame "The West Wing."