let's not forget that the ONLY request for people of color in the casting of "girls" was for nannies and one-liner sassy black women
let's not forget that the ONLY request for people of color in the casting of "girls" was for nannies and one-liner sassy black women
"I'm a terrible person," HipsterDBag says to the surprise of absolutely no one who has read all of his anecdotes that all end in a (said or unsaid) "I'm a terrible person"
Or a musical…
From the very beginning, she said that she wanted to do both singing and rapping with a little bit of theatrics. Now she finally has a ton of money and the right amount of fame that allows her to do what she wants. She's doing her thing, which turns off a lot of people for not conforming to a strict mode. I love it,…
@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus the deeper societal problem is institutional racism, and we got a lonnnng way to go on that
that's an awful thing to say
@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus yes, but of course, people can come out/not come out at their own time and place. Nothing bothers me more than Harvey-Milk-style "Everyone must come out NOW!!" Leave us alone, man, there are plenty of cultural and personal reasons why someone would be happier "in the…
duece and a half girl ?? ??? ?
@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus i've only done this a few times, but i have friends that have done it more — you follow each other's blogs/profiles, which leads to messaging, which may or may not lead to instant messaging. which may then lead to an exchange of phone numbers or facebooks or emails so…
totally agree
The digs against Tumblr, from Drake or Pitchfork or whoever, only make sense if they're directed against a certain subset of Tumblr: teens. Who are inherently into fads and stuff with very little substance (gifs of cartoons, sitcoms, image macros, etc). Tumblr is a blogging platform, and every kind of blog / subset of…
Dude, like he would take a break from earning a ton of money and critical acclaim on Game of Thrones to be shook around for 3 seconds on 30 Rock
I liked the IRA joke
Quick — who was the best Mama Rose (on stage or screen)?
Hi fives for all the kids who saw this on The Soup last night!
Does he have a Nielsen box?
Dwight listed the occupations his family has had, and one of them was "time traveler."
The original short is quite good. I have no idea how it could be stretched out to a whole movie though.