
I LOVE all of his Mr Show characters.

That sounds like an urban legend, but I wish it was true.


They're not going to. It's the man who directed "Nine." Lord help us all.

I feel like Don was in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation — if his ads had been about the moon, he would have been chastised for being too literal; if they had been more clearly about American expansion, he would have been chastised for not being imaginative enough. When Connie says he "expected the

All of these are signs of depression, not necessarily (or exclusively) childishness.

Well, honestly though, you can love somebody as an object or as a person. You can tell a woman you love her with one intent, but your desire could still be misogynistic. Likewise…

lol great posturing

God his jokes are idiotic.


Everyone that creates anything has a specific audience in mind.

KATY PERRY as THE female heavy-hitter of 2010s pop???? In this pop landscape?

I feel the same way about child actors.

Right. And even though "artists" have just as much packaging, marketing, and branding behind them, as well as a few ghostwriters, production teams, and arrangers, they're perceived as the "authentic" performers.

Using the word "bitchslapping" in response to an article about sexism pervading music criticism…nice diction.

It's great that the first few comments completely miss the point of the article.

What a stunning collection of white assholes this thread is.

I see everyone involved with "Girls" as very narrowly self-aware. Like yes, they are "poking fun" at themselves, in the way that Lucille Bluth might say "I haven't been a *perfect* mother."

My favorite part is that they claim that their main motivation, above all else, is just to "spend some time with each other," as sisters, having fun.