
I really hope this isn't what it looks like. When I turn on my phone I want it to look sleek, not like it came from Tron.

Yeah, that's memory. Not storage. Meaning RAM, not space.

The boob one was incredibly un-flattering. Worst n00d ever.

There are a couple ways you can get out of contracts with AT&T without an ETF. 1. The line holder died. 2. The line holder leaves in the military. 3. AT&T doesn't get service where you primarily use your phone, so you are constantly roaming and costing AT&T more to keep you than you pay monthly, they will ask you to

On my Macbook, option is on the same key as alt.

That's fucking genius. Rollover data plans.. That would be really pretty great.

I work at a call center. Let me tell you, it sucks being the guy on the phone. It really, really sucks.

And you're mad about Justin Bieber?

Eh, whatever. I commend Justin Bieber for making it so big, so fast. I ain't even mad about him being on Gizmodo, and you guys really shouldn't either.

Oh God, I had that for so long. I would change it up every once in a while though, to keep things interesting.

I work at an AT&T call center, so I would be able to tell you, but unfortunately I can't, because I'm not there. But I do know that those plans ARE listed as different features in our systems. So, it probably won't keep. BUT IT MIGHT.

Like this?

Didn't Firefox 4 just come out like 6 months ago?

They would most likely only issue any credit at all only once per customer, and it for sure wouldn't reach over $250, because that's the most a rep is allowed to credit. Unless they escalate the call to someone higher up, but then again they most likely wouldn't get any credit that way.

Even if he was miscast, he did better than probably anyone else would have. I didn't recognize him during the movie, at all.

People that are rich didn't get that way by spending large amounts of money when they could spend less.

Even if servers can't send me data faster than 75 Mb/s, I can still access multiple servers at the same time, without slowing down. I think. Maybe I'm full of shit.

I really like this design. It's my favorite since the original iPhone.

I just realized from this post, that I finally think Windows can look attractive on a computer. I'm not an Apple fan boy, but I always thought that XP and even Vista were ugly. I even liked Ubuntu more.

Yeah, I would probably use my right arm if I was riding a bike, too.