He doesn't know what to do with his hands though. That performance was uncomfortable.
He doesn't know what to do with his hands though. That performance was uncomfortable.
I would've been sad if Whiplash lost that because that was a flat-out masterclass. But yeah, Boyhood deserved better.
Plus the Oscars are so traditionally a "career trophy" anyway. The fact that they awarded Inarritu for a lackluster group of movies while passing over Linklater, who has undeniably made at least 5 American classics, is balls out crazy. I think people will look back at this shutout the way they look at Kubrick's…
It's all about perspective. To people who are hell-bent on living in dangerous territory for no reason other than that they don't like change, then yeah, anyone trying to stop them would appear to be a villain. I don't think the movie portrayed humanitarians in any way that could be objectively viewed as villainous…
The end does redeem him though. I could see how he'd be labelled a hero.
Your avatar pic is both punch-worthy and strangely arousing
The Molest Station.
Just stay away from the pool with Peter O'Toole.
I watched Mulholland Drive with my girlfriend and, though she hated the movie (I love her dearly but she has horrible taste in film haha), I'll never forget her turning to me during the scene where the old couple scares the shit out of Naomi Watts and saying, "That would be such a fun scene to shoot." I agree.
I'm deeply disturbed by my sudden realization that Dowd's first name is Alex. My desire to picture him as a crotchety old man is now going to be much more difficult.
They just need to give the guy a Supporting Actor nomination one of these years and then we can all die happy. It's not like that category is ever crowded anyway; I mean Jonah Hill's been in it twice. There's really no excuse.
American Sniper easily, especially for somehow managing to be in a film that came out five years before it even existed. That's some skillful propaganda right there.
I'm sure Bryan Singer has found better boys than that.
- Shia LaBeouf
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close got a damned Best Picture nomination. I know it's supposed to be secret ballot and all, but I think that called for the systemic outing and ridiculing of everyone responsible.
There was just no room. I mean, they had to save that spot for everyone's favorite film, The Strange Little Cat.
Yeah it's not great. If they would be open for a rewrite, I think you could make something incredible out of it.
Isn't it already set in contemporary times? I mean the '80s wasn't that long ago, was it? (God, I'm getting old)
Fuckin' Iowa, man. I'm sympathetic. It's far worse here on the western side of the state, though.
Also, let me throw Floyd Collins in there. If anyone is unfamiliar with this, check it out. Adam Guettel is a monstrously talented composer and has struggled to find a book writer to match his abilities, but I think an ambitious director could really make something out of a musical about a man dying in a cave.