
The Unsullied, too.

I've heard some strong arguments for Sansa.

Man, if there's one thing that sucks about America, it's that they force you to watch shows you don't like. I'm going to move to North Korea.

I don't think there's gonna BE a Night's Watch at the end.

Arya and Missandei, too.

How is Thoros of Mir not a mage?

I'm getting tired of Jon's perma-I-haven't-shit-in-a-week face.

I've been having trouble with the timeline for the last few seasons, and this season it's gone off the rails entirely.

He is a noble from the region.

I actually think it was his chest, but yeah.

I was thinking more along the lines of ginger pron.

That one wight was able to get south of the wall. First couple seasons, got killed by Ghost.

Anyone else expect Arya to find a mountain of pron under Littlefinger's mattress?

But why wouldn't Sansa just burn it?

Normally I use protection, but then I thought, "When am I gonna make it back to north of the wall?"

There's a thinkpiece to be written about femininity vs. butchiness.

Arya's going to be so thrilled she's gonna hit puberty right then and there.

He's a Targaryan whether or not his parents were married.

Except his aunt.

Then they all got eaten by a grue.