

Refresh my memory on what it said?

That… would have been much better as two episodes.

Pretty sure Werner Herzog made a film about this.

The armor, too.

These are the people we saw shooting the shit with Arya a few episodes ago.

Would you be interested in joining the Lannister army right now?

This is a massive, massive loss for Cersei.

Swallow the fucker and shit out a thousand little metal darts.

Might be tacky to point it out, but it's the anniversary of the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima.

Winds of Winter was a little better, but this one had a lot going for it.

Cersei tried to rip his dick off when he was a baby.

Or Tywin Lannister.

"Last time I was in a cave with a girl I bent the knee, alright."

He killed Joffrey and bailed out of town with Sansa.

Sansa fed her husband to his own dogs.

The serving girl was Arya and that's why she was staring at Jaime.

"Ser Sam of the Fat Pink Mast."

Brienne's armor and Brienne's real sword.

-The A.V. Club