
Bronn doesn't wear armor.

If you think every plot line works out perfectly, you've been watching a different show.

It's that and the armor.

I think the wagons were something she could easily roast without getting any Dothraki.

"Did you know that most women are killed by their romantic partners? Also, can you fondle my balls a little?"

Not a coincidence, either.

I live in Northern California and the struggle is real.

I think it's a mark of a GenXer that there's a Simpsons quote or an Onion article for every occasion.

Is this a Ted Stevens joke?

Office Space: Rise of the TPS Reports

Bran: "Chaos is a ladder"

Jaura Ralmer?

When that theme started playing… damn.

Any lollipop is a mace if you hold it right.

Maybe the whole show is the origin story for HBO.

This is worth a rewatch of LOST.

Edmure Tully is still alive, and there have to be Frey kids running around.

If you only learned about WWII from American films, you might not know there were more than three armies involved.

Even though they wouldn't enter the war for another year and a half! So there!

Marine biologists spend the day counting plankton.