
Use as many words as you need.

The Tyrells eat Froot Loops.

Oh pirates, yes they rob I
Sold I to the merchant ships
Minutes after they took I
From the bottomless pit

Amazon, because you get free shipping.

"All in the Family" worked because everyone knows someone like Archie.

Have you read the books that "Game of Thrones" is based on?

Yes, but John Smith is one of the few interesting and appealing characters on the show.

The Sierras are horribly racist. It's all people who moved out of the urban areas to get away from the "urbans."

Like David Lynch, Oliver Stone, and Quentin Tarantino had a baby together.

I live in Calabama and it's dismal here.

Hot Pie bursts through the door in trademark style.

Winterfell: Where they do it doggystyle.

Good example of my problem that these people are hanging out with each other for weeks, but don't talk about crucial things.

In a wacky mixup, Dany's army goes to the wrong castle.

He's not on her list, no.

As Tyrion put it, he's the greatest Lannister killer of all time.


I try not to overthink this show, but there's a serious lack of communication.

They've spent a lot of time together. I figure he throws out little cynical dollops of wisdom on the reg, but that one's special.

"Hey, uh, your wedding night with Tyrion was super awkward. BTW, did you know he had a thing with Shae?"