
One of the things that got me about Dunkirk is that winning was far from certain.

It's a thin line between entertainment and war.

My grandpa was in a camp in Northern Africa and a goat got hit by a train and they served at the mess hall with rice.

Just saw "Dunkirk," and holy shit that movie does not glamorize war.

Sansa and Littlefinger.

In the last 4 episodes, they killed off like 5 major characters.

This was written 16 hours ago in a more innocent time.

The pen is mightier.

Carter, who is now 92, was hospitalized overnight last week because he became dehydrated while building a house for the poor.

Occam's Razor - she is from Arkansas.

Her accent does not help.

Kids don't write dates like that.

I reread the book last month and what made it such a punch in the gut was that most of the horror was "real."

I can't believe that quoting Joe Paterno isn't the worst thing that he did today.


I had to look up multiple mainstream sources before I believed it. Then I opened the first of several beers.

One of the most frightening things about this entire administration is that the idea that they're all shitfaced is far more comforting than the idea that they're stone sober.

His name has "scar," "scare," and "mooch" in it.

The anchors on MSNBC were initially flummoxed about how to even report on this, then they decided that nothing matters so they put the word "fucking" up on the screen because why the fuck not.

In any rational presidency, we would have woken up to the news on Thursday morning that Scaramucci regretted to inform the nation that he would be unable to fill the role of White House Communications Director due to a pressing personal matter.