
Nothing anyone does will matter anymore.


Sowing chaos is the president's agenda.

And Skyler.

And when he did wear a suit, sometimes it was tan!

I only heard about the pee.

It's true. This man has no dick.

This would explain the blotchy complexion.

The last 2 eps are way too much on the telling and not enough on the showing.

And the whole "I went north of the wall and became one with the trees" thing seems more than a little odd.

I was watching it on an iPad and I came into this thread to find out what happened.

They hinted at it in the opening credits, too.

You ever rewatch 90210?

I wonder what the underlying politics are of a Lannister soldier singing a song that's about Lannisters killing other Lannisters.

Could have been easily solved with a 2-minute shot of people seeing the dragons approaching and getting the hell out of there.

I was looking at the map earlier, and if she loses the RIverlands, then the Crownlands and Casterly Rock will be cut off from one another.

If I were an enemy fleet, I'd assume it was full of wildfire and steer the hell around there.

Lady Mormont seems pretty happy with Bear Island. She is one of the major bannermen already.

They show large gangs of men outside the Twins killing Stark men and Gray Wind. It wasn't just the men inside the hall.

She did a pretty good job of opening a can of whup-ass on Meryn Trant. He wasn't armed, but he's still a trained soldier and three times bigger than she is.