
You think they have interns sending out official White House correspondence without anyone else reading it?

There was a good article in the Pacific Standard a few weeks ago, "WHAT TYPOS CAN TELL US ABOUT THIS WHITE HOUSE."

Let's be real: HotPie and Sansa were meant to be together.

Note well that most of the major houses are facing questions about succession.

The people are never going to elect Tyrion and unless Jon manages to beat back the White Walkers, a bastard from the North isn't going to do too well, either.

Which is a strong mark against it being Dany.

He does like the redheads and he'd be a more satisfying lover than Sansa's last.

Gotta say tho that the last two books were turkeys.

They left out the second-best line from the books, though!

Was that going to be before or after the car hit a ramp and got up on two wheels for a bit?

I think you mean shanking, unless you're implying that she's going to work for Littlefinger.

We've also seen Littlefinger act as regent for Sweetrobin, no?

She's still ahead of Jon.

And even if they think he's Ned's bastard, legitimate girls come before bastard boys.

She doesn't "ostensibly feel she has a claim," she is the rightful heir, at least until Bran shows up.

But people also crapped on the first couple seasons for the sexposition. We know who these people are and we know their backstories now, so we don't need long "Sit right back and you'll hear a tale" scenes.

Which would be ironic since he's a legitimate claimant to the Iron Throne and she's the rightful heir of Winterfell.

Dany left whatsisname behind because she's thinking of creating a political alliance through marriage. The problem is that there aren't a lot of suitable men left. Who is there?

Even if Jon were Ned Stark's bastard, he'd be what, fourth in line after Bran, Sansa, and Arya? And as a cousin, his claim is even weaker. They don't know that Bran and Arya are alive and about to show up at Winterfell, but Sansa's there and just got blown past because Jon's considered a stronger military commander.
