
This is sort of how I felt about the first letter. If the person is bothered enough that they're writing in to Dan about it, then they shouldn't just put up with the status quo.

Cersei on the streets, Cersei between the sheets?

And she killed the maegi.

I thought this was going to be a joke about sheep.

That's all I could think about during that scene. You're wearing 8 layers of hide and fur that you only remove for basic bodily functions and liquid water is hard to find and you're going to go downtown???

That hoser's from New York City.

I'm sure we're all shocked.

I can't watch him. He's too hot. It's a problem.

Dorothea Puente in Sacramento?

Ronald Reagan. Richard Nixon. Snowboarding.

By court order.

How does a mansplainer get his water?

Real Americans just don't return "Catcher in the Rye" at the end of Sophomore year.

I don't mind stealing bread from the mouths of… ducks.

It's gonna be called "If I 'Did It.'"

We can drive it home
With one deadlight…

He looks like a bowl of prunes would do him a world of good.

If season 8 was just Varys, Tyrion, Littlefinger, and Olenna shooting the breeze I'd be totally fine with this.

If anything, they fucked up Stannis by making him too charismatic.

And then a small but plucky band of wildlings armed with sticks and rocks killed all the Targaryans, Lannisters, and Ironborn and ate the fallen.